Dec 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Through all the holiday eating I've had to do, the scale blessed me with 134.5 today. No where near where I want to be. But there is the potential for it to be so much worse. Today/Tomorrow is christmas, so I won't get to go for a jog like I'd like. But I'll get to crack back down on monday. I've done a decent amount of exercising, and it is superbly easy to get away with just one meal a day at my parents house. It'll be nice going back to uni the same weight (thinner?) as before. Then I won't have any more work than I have to...

For everyone trying to survive the holidays with family and friends, I wish you well. Drink lots of water. But also try and enjoy yourself. Holidays are the most terrifying days to me, so my focus tomorrow is to just try and have fun, avoid food, but have fun most importantly. 
This day comes once a year and no matter what I'd like to think, it isn't worth an argument with anyone about what I'm eating.                                                 

 I hope you all are doing well, I'll get back on the blogging horse soon, I promise.


stay strong, think thin. you can do this.

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night!

Dec 23, 2011


I'm sorry I've been gone, this break was supposed to involve a whole lot of posting.

I don't get why I don't do it, it's not to say I've lost the passion. I'm just so brain dead.

Christmas is a couple days a way. It's a damn shame I couldn't give myself a new low weight for christmas. At this point I just want to stay 135.0 or lower through the holidays. I just need to get back to school. Away from all this food.

I want to here how everyone is. Fill me in.

stay strong

Dec 8, 2011

It's finally over.

Finals. This cycle of eating like shit. I get to be in control again.

Thank you Ana. I felt like you were slipping away.

I'll get time to write a better post tomorrow.

I'm Back Bitches.


Dec 6, 2011


2 down. 1 to go. Only this one is the hardest.


Dec 5, 2011


One down. Two to go. If I get all A's on my finals. I get all A's in my classes.

Wish me luck



Dec 4, 2011

Finals Week.

It's here. And now.

Last week was dead week. I'm dead. Only three more days and I'm free.

Three more days and I'm under control.

Only three.

Weight is still at 134. WTF. at least it's not worse.


soon lovelies.